Add multi-level and must-hit-by jackpots to your tables games

The newest addition to our table game progressive offerings, STAX™ brings unprecedented player excitement to nearly any table game with dynamic links to multi-level and must-hit-by jackpots. This unique multi-level progressive system gives you the ability to offer up many different prize pools – giving players potential for quick-hitting action and life-changing wins!


Stax Progressive platform adds multi-level, must-hit-jackpots to a wide range of table games with our proprietary award-winning technology.
Settings are configurable, displays are engaging, integration into your table game pit is seamless.

  • Light-up bet sensors
  • Dynamic, double-sided display
  • Customizable reserves for each prize pool
  • Automated prize-pool contribution adjustments
  • Optional must-hit-by prize pool
  • Web-based reporting and configuration
  • Tablet-style dealer interface

Contact your AGS Account Executive for more information
on adding STAX™ to your table games line up